domingo, 24 de maio de 2009

sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009

METAL GEAR SOLID: Tactical Espionage Action

"Naked Snake", circa 1964 (MGS3). Later he would be known as "Big Boss".

Big Boss's military career dates back to 1950, when he joined the US Army and participated in the Korean War. During his tenure, he joined the Green Berets and became The Boss' apprentice. In 1954, John was involved in the Bikini Atoll testing of the first airborne detonation of a hydrogen bomb. During his time under the tutelage of The Boss, she taught him everything about combat, weaponry, survival, espionage, destruction, psychology and foreign languages like Russian. They also developed CQC together. The Boss and John went their separate ways on June 12, 1959.

Operation Snake Eater
(See Virtuous Mission and Operation Snake Eater)

On August 24th, 1964, John was part of the Virtuous Mission, in which he was to rescue a defecting Soviet scientist named Nikolai Stephanovich Sokolov. It was during this mission that he was given the codename "Naked Snake." However, this mission failed, due to the defection of The Boss.
A week later, the FOX unit and Snake launched Operation Snake Eater, in which the objective was to eliminate The Boss and her new Soviet ally, Colonel Volgin, rescue Sokolov and destroy the Shagohod. It was during this mission that Snake came across the prototype designs for the TX-55 Metal Gear and Metal Gear REX from Granin, who was sending them to a colleague in America. This colleague was presumably the grandfather of Hal Emmerich, a.k.a. Otacon
During this mission, Snake had his right eye accidentally damaged by Ocelot's Colt Single Action Army, while in captivity for torture, in order to save EVA's life. However, he succeeded in completing the mission, and killed The Boss. For this, he was awarded the code name "Big Boss" and the Distinguished Service Cross by President Lyndon Johnson.

sexta-feira, 10 de abril de 2009

The Invisible Man

Dexter, when he hunts Jaworski down.


Bank-robber Scofield. Before prison.

Lincoln. Inside.

Theodore Bagwell. Inside.

Agent Mahone, on the hunt for the Fox River fugitives.

The whole crew.

quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2009

segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2009

Tony & Tony

Tony Montana and Tony Soprano

"Hey T, get a hold of this cash!"

